Think errr outside the box n circle n triangle ....

any damn shape...just think outside that!

Being inthe invention buisness is the in-thing it seems.

Almost everyone I meet, claims to be innovative!

I believe that a focus on creativity is absolutely essential for current business success.
My deifinition of creativity is producing novel, workable ideas and solutions to problems; innovation is implementing those ideas within an organizational context.

I sometimes think about whether it is simply the prerogative of the researchers to innovate.

Thinking about various solutions to problems which one might not have faced earlier, and working out better solutions to existing solved problems needs innovative thinking.

There are many research firms thinking day-in and day-out about how entrepreneurs and buisness executives work on various strategies, but have seen very small focus on the people who actually have to implement the strategy—the knowledge workers who are carrying out the work of the organization. Agreed, one does need a visionary leader to lead the way - but who is goin to tread the way?

A person's work environment can influence the motivation, creativity, and performance of individuals and teams. I look at how entrepreneurs and executives can think about the day-by-day management of people in the trenches, since they determine, to a large extent, whether the strategy is going to work.

We need novel and useful ideas at all stages of a process.
This starts from idea generation and continues through successful implementation.
I maintain that creativity is possible and desirable in all forms of work, no matter what people are doing. In particular, knowledge workers require creativity.

Now - as I mentioned earlier, is creativity just tied to the genius?
That is a myth - I agree that some people have extreme levels of talent, but have found and experienced that almost everyone with normal human capacities.
Another thing is the trade-of funda - that is - there is no trade-off between creativity and productivity, and efficiency, or work quality.

Will continue on this in the next posting.....Keep Smiling n thinking....and innovating....:)
