Nacreous clouds

I remember ignoring everyone including mom, dad, the air-hostesses and clicking some lovely images of clouds right from the plane while coming back from a small vacation from Singapore last year.....

They were simply, simply AWESOME! fluffy clouds, so soft... i just wished to extend my hand and grab some of the clouds in my hands.... but would always hit in the window-pane :(( anyways....

I just came across this stuff n hence posting here..... Nature is so beautiful!
It reminds me of some of my vague paint strokes on canvas - wow! how I love painting n colours :)
[oh! I remember trying to sketch a meaow (=cat) for a friend a few days back precisely in 3 mins using MS Paint - n m sure the cat would faint if it saw it was that - or that if she thought that I thought she was like that!!!!! lolz - hey kittypie -90% of the creit goes to MS Paint's poor drawing tool ;) SOS! :D]

God is an awesome painter! Hey lovely God, I don't have the money or anything (and I don't want them also :D for this) - but pure love and respect for you and your art :) else I'd keep all d paintings you make every moment with me... oh! but that would be so bad :P its more beautiful to watch the flowers you send us everyday right there stuck up on the branch rather than wilting away in d vases :(

Nacreous clouds,
as these types of high clouds near the poles are known, are the high­est of all clouds. Pho­to­g­raphed above Ross Is­land, Ant­arc­ti­ca, in 2006, these float 24 km (15 miles) high. Na­cre­ous clouds on­ly oc­cur in the po­lar re­gions when their sur­round­ing tem­per­a­ture dips be­low mi­nus 100 Fahr­en­heit (mi­nus 73 Cel­sius). They are al­so the site of chem­i­cal re­ac­tions that break down ozone in the up­per at­mos­phere, which pro­tects against so­lar ra­di­a­tion, and con­trib­ute to the cre­a­tion of the ozone hole above Ant­arc­ti­ca. (Im­age cred­it: Chad Car­pen­ter, Na­tion­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion).
