trAi ...errr. try!

Talking about mobile penetration, esp in countries like India and China, both countries are beginning to see the penetration move out from the population centers into more rural areas as the technology and cost structure allows. Obviously, this process is not limited to China and India, and the experience is being duplicated in Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa, and numerous other emerging regions.

Are we seeing a slowdown in demand from the emerging markets as some of the anecdotal evidence suggested? The quick answer is no. Why?
Well, last week, TRAI release some reports
talking about the subscriber growth data for January 2008.

Adding to this the data from China, and China Unicom you'll get a fairly accurate picture of what’s transpiring in these markets.
Ah! well, a picture is worth a thousand words, and I do have some pictorial data to put here :)
As you can see in the graphs above, demand isn’t stagnating but accelerating.
The two countries combined for 17.2 million new subscribers in the month of January (India added 8.8 million (a record :) ) and China added 8.5 million (also a record :P).

What may be more important to the industry is the fact that the new subscriber growth rate at a combined level remains very strong at 32 percent year-to-year after a decline into the mid-high 20 percent range in the latter stages of 2007. China’s growth has moved back to the mid-30 percent range (+36 percent in January). India is back at +29 percent year-to-year after dipping to only 20 percent last October.
Now the big question is: Will this continue? Yes....
What we’re seeing in emerging markets is secular growth.

Even after the first two months of the new year the stock markets have melted down around us, questions have been raised about demand for all manner of goods and services. ( On a year-to-date basis the broad market indices are down anywhere from 7 to 13 percent as of February 22---> uhhh! frankly tweeting, I don't know how to decipher this :((((( puhleez someone helppp - this is greek which only mah dahlin alien can help me understand :P)

m on mah way to read this now - nahi plan change... I'd do dat later :P