New Art Of War: Stop Bad Habits To Succeed

Ohh! before I actually go, I felt like reading this.... and bloggin it here
dahlin article, you are goodypie :)

These points are from a classic called “The Essentials of Enlightenment.”
This essay lists the eight bad habits that prevent someone from being successful, which I quite so well agree with - ah! not that I have all the good habits :P

“In reaching your goal, old habits may be a huge cause for failure.” Such unproductive old habits can drag you down unless you get rid of them.

The first habit is idleness. - ah! an idle mind is devil's head.. haven't we heard dat b4! my mom kept repeating it :P n now my head's aching with headache - maybe coz i think too much.... okies.. kidding.. jokes apart... just tryin to pacify my poor aching head :((

A person with this habit pays no thought to his personal development and simply wastes time loafing. Such people find rules and principles to be a mere nuisance.

The second habit is lack of focus. An unfocused person may spend most of her time walking around and talking in the workplace. [Yupsie! round n round we around... without going anywhere... da-da-di-da :P]

The third type of bad habit is narrow mindedness. Aw! of course! Simply go down d drench!
Narrow minded people only like people who are similar and fear people who are different. People with this habit discourage self improvement by forcing everybody to be the same.

Impracticality is the fourth bad habit. [err... well I hope dreaming doesn't come into picture here... :P]
Such people dream of fame in the secular world, but never cultivate the discipline required to attain such success.
Aw! no ... its not that dreaming... thank goodness :P

Hedonism is the fifth bad habit.
Those who believe they are leading an elegant and refined life while only focusing on drinking and enjoyment will be an obstacle those around them.
Aw! yeah! what a waste!

The sixth bad habit is vain competitiveness. [v imp! - dont cha fall in its trap... u wont even know what u r doing - Seriously!]
Such people squabble over who has more money and race to outspend each other.

Jealousy is the seventh bad habit. [Sure! c'mon dudes... therez a difference between jealously n envy :) - use ur -ve traits to help you... don't be jealous... work towards achieving something u like :) - as simple as that.... n u can... :)]
Jealous people are ashamed about the clothes they wear and the food they eat. Instead of working to better themselves, they resent other people's good fortune.

Lack of self discipline is the eighth habit. [Hayo rabba! e hi te nahi honda... sabto mushkil hega.... Aw! but d mossht important one - vaise my supposedly disciplined routine would never allow me to blog, jog outta d schedule, dream, and do stuff :P ... so welll i keep breakin dis one :P:P - the main point issshhh-> don't be impulsive.... ah! my friends say m extremely patient... but I think m quite impatient :P]
Such people cannot control their impulses and wantonly pursue their desires.

Now! how do u get rid of 'em??

a quick end to such practices by saying, “With one strike, slay the root of your old habits!”
Unhealthy habits can only be eliminated by complete stoppage and that prolonged attempts to quit usually result in failure.

Recently a professional golfer K. Choi noted during an interview that, “I don’t really care if I end up in 100th place in the global rankings. All I am focused on is becoming a better golfer than I was last year.” Such an attitude exemplifies the discipline recommended by Yulgok. In an era of stiff competition, the most successful will always try to rid themselves of bad habits and be better at what they do. Bad habits can threaten your organization, and deny you the future you deserve.

This has been a lecture on The New Art of War by J.-H. Park - and not by me :P so don't run after me :P if u find the points a wee-bit difficult to follow :P

So... sweethearts! m going abhi... hope id be in a better state... n back..... (with my severe headache gone.....) too mucha stress - I have to agree.....
