Net Neutrality

The sizzling 'Net neutrality debate is edging closer to the mobile network sector :D

The Net neutrality issue addresses the delicate question about where reasonable operator-conducted network management leaves off and service-level discrimination against certain traffic, such as that of a carrier’s competitor, begins. This issue has been raging in broadband Internet access circles for well over a year. It loudly reared its head again in recent weeks with the FCC's investigation into charges that cable operator Comcast purposely slowed BitTorrent peer-to-peer traffic, a notorious bandwidth hog, and allegedly lied about doing so.

“And you know the old adage: Decisions made without you are usually against you,” Copps said.

:D good one :)

For now, anyway, the FCC has adopted a principle of nondiscrimination that supports operators’ rights to conduct reasonable network management, but makes it “crystal clear that network operators can’t twist ‘reasonable network management’ into…a mechanism for blatant network discrimination,” Copps said.

He added that the Commission is “well advised to establish a systematic, expeditious, case-by-case approach for adjudicating claims of discrimination. That way, over time, we’d develop a body of case law that would provide clear rules of the road.”

Interpretation: For the foreseeable future, we’ll likely give the operators the benefit of the doubt. Those who can determine whether an operator has blocked or slowed its traffic in an “unreasonable” manner(:D) will take it up with the FCC, where it will be evaluated after the fact.

SNMP ..... simple kNaughty management protocol ;) hehe.. lolz
