Enhancing productivity

Ok, now this is coming from HBR's "Lessons from GE's Approach to Personal Productivity"

I don't agree with all the points here!

If it’s accepted wisdom that businesses should revisit their strategies and organizational structures and processes on a regular basis to ensure that they are still relevant [Aw! yes... change is the only constant thing, and we need to work constantly to improve], doesn’t it make sense to periodically take stock of how you’re spending your time? Given the current economic climate, there’s no better occasion than now to step back and make sure you’re maximizing your value to your organization.

Lessons from GE's Approach to Personal Productivity --> Its purpose was to get managers better focused on pursuing innovation and growth

You’d be an idiot not to rethink your job if you boss changes your priorities[lolz]. But why wait?

Some basic steps for carrying out this task:

Compare your calendar with the priorities. Label the purpose of every regular or recurring activity on your quarterly calendar and highlight those activities that are connected with your top five priorities. This simple exercise will reveal where you’re squandering your time.[Hmmm... nice one!]

Be ruthless. Instead of persuading yourself why you can’t give up the time you’ve been devoting to underperforming operations or overly demanding customers that seem important even if they aren’t connected to a strategic priority, start with the attitude that you simply cannot deal with them anymore[Aw! now does that actually work? Ah! well, I guess we need to decide the threshold]. In some cases, you’ll realize that you’ve been treating the symptoms of the disease and should finally cure the disease. In others, you’ll discover that the task will provide a growth opportunity for someone else.

Ask your team to do the same. Then discuss together how jobs could be recast and how the group as a whole could better spend its time[agreed]. Make it clear that everything can be challenged—down to the PowerPoint slides presented regularly at meetings. Do you really need 20? If you could only have, say, two, which ones would they be?

Make time for your people and yourself. When you’re rebuilding your calendar, be sure to include quality time for your team to get together to brainstorm about the strategy[Yo!], the organization, and new opportunities. Last but not least, absolutely include time to pursue personal priorities that will help you grow and make you more valuable to your organization.

Hmm... quite most of the things already being done..... :)
