UFO update

UFOs in Punjab Karnal Haryana

Almost all news channels are busy broadcasting stories of some unforseen "Vishwa-Yudha" / "World War".....
and as in my earlier posts, where I discussed the balloon-shaped alien-like creature sighted in the Himalayas, what do you think it could be?
Alien Encounters

Its that some people in Haryana (Karnal) saw 2 pale-blue colored lights for around 2 hours in the sky on 8th July 2007.

The 2 lights in the sky were nearly half the size of the moon. The strange lights were seen at around 10:00pm IST. These strange lights seemed to wander all over the place.

Karnal's skyline is quite clear and one can see the sky quite clearly.

The literature mentions that the news spread like fire.
Everyone came up with their reasons!
Some said they were circus lights!

At around 10pm space scientists started to handle the dispute.
Came in space scientists, and explained that these lights are not from any source on earth.
If they had been sent from earth, the lights would have "distinct tails" - oh is it?
This is a common observation when we switch on a torch in a dark room. Therefore, it was concluded that these lights were not from Earth.
The lights were so big that they couldn't have been a star and no planet can come so close to earth. Though the people were feeling astonished by such an incidence but they were also curious to know the reason behind this strange scene. But nobody could find out the exact reason!

Now what are they doing in India? :D
What they want from us. Who are they?

Well! Its an year old, but I saw this broadcast yesterday evening.....

Another case: Ahmedabad-based Space Application Centre (SAC) of ISRO on September 27, 2004 http://in.news.yahoo.com/041006/43/2h4xg.html
