The summer looks fresh with the love Android has received - at the Google IO's free phone giveaway in May 2009!
Well was reading about the certain android predictions.... - Oh yes, and its almost a week before 2009 Summer Solstice!
Here go some of them...
1. Around 5 - 6 techie beauties - err read - Android phones will debut this Summer rampAndy Rubin, founder of Android, stated there will be at least 18 AndroidAndroid phone will debut in the summer with the brunt of the remainder coming out before the Holidays.
2. Android Will Dominate in China
Google obviously wants to dominate online markets in Asia, they surely want to become specially dominant in the Chinese market as they already are in the US and Europe. China is a huge market that is growing so incredibly fast it’s hard to keep up. There are 601 million mobile phone users in China at the moment, and between January and June 2008 there were 53.3 million more mobile users.
You don’t need me to tell you, that is phenomenal. The other scary thing is that the Chinese mobile operator China Mobile dominates the market, with 414 million customers. Not bad, I can think of some mobile companies in the US and Europe who would be happy with that!
There is already a flood of illegal Android phones in China which will continue to proliferate in the patent ignorant land as this Summer China Mobile will offer its first official Android phone with more to come.
3. Android Market Overhaul
The Android Market will get a much needed overhaul in both presentation and usability. A more refined search and sorting is needed along with expanded categorization. It should get an Amazon like “would you like this” based on apps you already have and are searching for. Also some sort of improved web interface to break the reliance on checking apps outside your phone at Cyrket.
2. Android App-vertising Takes Off
This Summer should see some intelligent ways to effectively advertise within applications that are not distracting while being useful and providing a reasonable CPM to the developer. Brands will further focus on Android paying developers to create interesting apps that have some use while promoting their brand such as Audi & Burger King.
Don't you think Android provides developers better chances at making money with Appvertising than outright sales with the iPhone provides?Well, Yes!
3. Android 2.0 Donut Will be Released by the End of the Summer
Donut, the follow-up update to the CupCake 1.5 Android release, should at least be aiming to be completed by August 3rd, 2009. Why?
The HTC Lancaster, the first Android phone for AT&T, is tentatively scheduled to debut on August 3rd. Whats important about this is that it has a QVGA 240 x 320 resolution screen vs the HVGA 320 x 480 resolution on the G1 & Magic.
And to let you know that QVGA is ONLY supported in the upcoming Donut release as all versions prior just support HVGA!
4. The race between Android and the iPhone 3GS

And here the "S" is for SPEED - compare the iphone
The iPhone is falling into the same trap of the PC wars as Apple will lag again in processor speed and innovation. Apple has locked itself in as the only developer of processors for the iPhone while Android has been using Qualcomm MSM chips, importantly and almost quietly it has been expanded to MIPS.
This opens up Android to a wide variety of processors such as Godson, Tegra, Snapdragon, among others. These processors not only expand the speed of Android but are extremely battery efficient and robust to handle FLASH.
5. This summer the myTouch 3G will compete with the iPhone 3GS
The iPhone 3GS might just outsell the myTouch 3G (Magic) from T-Mobile once both are released in the US this Summer, - it will be competitive.

Its difficult not to miss the G1 keyboard on the Ion phone which is similar to the upcoming myTouch 3G, but the vastly improved design and battery life more than makes up for this - aint it?
I don’t think any one Android device will outsell the iPhone but it will be multiple Android devices together that will dominate ;)
6. Flash Will be Android Ready AFTER the Summer
Adobe has promised FLASH will work with Android by the end of 2009, but not sure if It'd happen within the Summer - well! thats another market opinion - gotta wait and watch!
7. Android Sites Further Collaboration
Most major Android sites communicate with each other and I see the ones that fully embrace this persevering for the benefit of their readers and the Android community.
Taylor Wimberly of AndroidAndMe, Scott Webster of AndroidGuys, Rob Jackson of Phandroid, & Antonio Wells of AndroidTapp among others exemplify this in my opinion.
Oh! and my teeny-weeny effort :)
The hope is to finally put to rest the murmurs of doom and of Android’s ultimate failure.
The hope is to finally put to rest the murmurs of doom and of Android’s ultimate failure.