India Leadership Network-Leaders’ Summit–April 2010

Leaders' Summit-April 2010

India Leadership Network is an action network. Year 2010 is the Year or Action where we will launch nationwide initiatives for key areas. Each of these initiatives have the potential for leadership, entrepreneurship, collaborative participation as well as for commercial involvement and investments.

Key initiatives to be launched this year are related to :

  1. Renewable energy & clean technologies
  2. Healthcare
  3. Safety & security
  4. Rural development
  5. Leadership development.

See complete list of 16 initiatives to be launched over the next 18-24 months.

The Leaders%u2019 Summit is curtain-raiser event for the planned evolution of India Leadership Network and to know about the planned initiatives. We are inviting individuals and organizations for taking a lead, in associating, operating or investing in these initiatives.

The event is planned for 9th April 2010 in Mumbai. If you are interested, please RSVP event listed on LinkedIn.

If you cannot attend in Mumbai but are interested, RSVP and post a comment about choice of city (Delhi or Bangalore). Based on response (and sponsors), we will organize events in April in these cities. Based on response, details of events and registration will be announced in the week of 22nd Feb.


divineGirl said…
Great to see things taking shape..
Looking fwd to join in there Manoj!
[It’d be rather nice if its held in NCR/ Delhi as well!]
divineGirl said…
I request subscribers in and around Delhi / NCR to join in hands!
[drop me/group owners an email!]
Rakesh said…
Yes I will be joining. Entrepreur from NCR. Please check email!
Best Regards,
akanksha said…
I'll be joining in delhi mam! kindly check email.